Thursday, April 30, 2009

What is love?

I love it when contemporary electronic groups cover 90's house pop their bedrooms.


Kodak has just announced the release of their new addition to the Vision 3 line to be ASA 250 daylight!
While this is very exciting for cameramen allover, Kodak & Fuji should really be working on chopping the price of film stock in half. That would be a tremendous incentive for more projects to be shot on film.

Here is all the technical data you could ever want.
This is an example of the original negative exposure data:

1 -5.4 Stops 2 -2.3 Stops 3 +1 Stops 4 +1.5 Stops
5 +3 Stops 6 +4 Stops 7 +6 Stops 8 +7 Stops